Research identifies proteins that can predict future diabetes risk, cancer death

Aug 07, 2022

New Delhi, Aug 07 (ANI): New research suggests that people with elevated levels of the protein Prostasin (mainly found in epithelial cells which line the surfaces and organs of the body) may be at higher risk of developing diabetes. The findings were published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes [EASD]). The findings also indicate that individuals with elevated levels of both blood sugar and Prostasin appear at significantly greater risk of death from cancer. Extensive evidence indicates that diabetes is linked with an increased risk of developing several types of cancer and death from cancer and that medicines used to treat high blood sugar can alter this association. People with type 2 diabetes are around twice as likely to develop pancreatic, endometrial and liver cancer, have a 30 per cent higher chance of developing bowel cancer and have a 20 per cent increased risk of breast cancer. However, the mechanisms that drive this predisposition are poorly understood. To look at this in more detail, it will be useful for future studies to trace the exact origins of Prostasin in blood, and to determine whether the association between Prostasin and Diabetes is causal.